
Amanda is a longtime journalist whose passion for gaming led her to become an accomplished author. She had been a writer all her life, so it was no surprise she chose to major in English with a Creative Writing Track. As a Creative Writing expert, she had been used to immersing in the fantasy world so it was just a matter of time before gaming made its way into her writing. After a whole five years she has dedicated her life to writing about all sorts of games and her experience with them. It is hard for her to decide in just one favorite game or genre, but she does prefer sandbox, survival, and battle royale games over any other. The main reason why she loves writing about games so much is because she feels like she's talking to a friend, telling them about the new game she just found that kept her up all night playing, it's that excitement, that genuine passion, that inspired her to write in the first place.
amandacosio's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Borderlands 3
Top 3 Favorite Games