
Anik is known to many people as the “do it all” girl. She is a talented multitasker who has mastered the skill of playing and working at the same time. It's clear, she is not your typical girl. Growing up in a full house of 7, all boys, it was to be expected that gaming was the way to survival. In addition to surviving, exercising her ability to voice her thoughts became an addiction that followed her all the way to college. Anik enjoys writing anything from fantasy to creative, or comedy to blogs. She has worked as a journalist for small publications and as a screenwriter for many film companies. One of her biggest achievements is becoming a published author of children’s books; no wonder why she indulges in a lifestyle of play. When RPG is not consuming all of her free time, then writing about them is second.
Anikgee's Rank: Total Noob
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