
A lifelong writer from the prairies of the heartland, Ashley holds a degree in Spanish Literature, which in case you’re curious, means she has read the untranslated Don Quixote and can write poetry analysis in Spanish.
She remembers vividly the day the very first NES system arrived in her childhood home. She learned the original Super Mario Bros. infinite lives cheat from her Mom and played all the releases of Zelda and SMB with her siblings growing up. Her love of video games continues to the present day and she’s passing on the family-fun gaming vibe to her own two sons. Together with the little dudes, she’s currently slaying her way through the Trial of the Sword in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
As a multi-faceted, professional blogger, she creates content here on Gamers Decide, as well as writing for a lingerie blog and a parenting site. Outside her blogging and mom-life gigs, she is a crackerjack creative, a voracious reader, a world traveler, a yogini of 8 years, and an aspiring hand-balancer.
She remembers vividly the day the very first NES system arrived in her childhood home. She learned the original Super Mario Bros. infinite lives cheat from her Mom and played all the releases of Zelda and SMB with her siblings growing up. Her love of video games continues to the present day and she’s passing on the family-fun gaming vibe to her own two sons. Together with the little dudes, she’s currently slaying her way through the Trial of the Sword in the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
As a multi-faceted, professional blogger, she creates content here on Gamers Decide, as well as writing for a lingerie blog and a parenting site. Outside her blogging and mom-life gigs, she is a crackerjack creative, a voracious reader, a world traveler, a yogini of 8 years, and an aspiring hand-balancer.
anrogers's Rank: Total Noob
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