
Since the young age of ten years old, Avery Woolston has been telling wild fantasy stories to anyone who would listen, while playing PC rpgs that were meant to be far above their reading level at the time! Now they are dedicated to writing their own stories, finding interesting and creative ways to utilize the fantasy genre. With attention to detail and a deep interest in lore, Avery's passion for story-heavy games will shine. They’ve put multiple hundreds of hours into games like Kingdom Hearts, Skyrim, and Final Fantasy. Crystals, time travel, and magic? That's right on the money! With well-reviewed, character-accurate fanfiction under their belt, and overly detailed character backgrounds that will make your D&D dungeon master SING; you can trust that Avery is dedicated to the finer details.
averylea's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy Viii (Switch)
Top 3 Favorite Games