
Born and raised in the frozen northlands of Minnesota, he turned to gaming as a child to get out of the cold. But what started as a way to pass the time in the winter, soon became a lifelong obsession. He'll be the first to admit that he's put an alarming number of hours into Monster Hunter (but he's also kind of proud of it, too). He recieved his bachelor's degree in creative writing from the University of Wisconsin and has since published book reviews, articles, fiction, poetry, and essays in journals across the country. Now, living in the humid swamp of New Orleans, grinding out a master's degree (the Dark Souls of higher education), he's found himself combining the two hobbies. Writing about games. A perfect combo. He thinks the best games writing gives readers a peek behind the curtain. Video games as a finished product are kind of like magic, it's fascinating to get an insider's look into the industry. He specializes in shooters, action RPG's, and most things anime inspired. He also spends many nights trying (mostly failing) to replicate Resident Evil speed runs.
Awtron's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Monster Hunter World, Persona 5, Apex Legends, Battlefield V, Fallout 76,
Top 3 Favorite Games