
Arthur is a massive gamer who has played games all his life. His earliest memories included playing make-believe with his cousins before he discovered the wonders of PC gaming. His childhood was taken up by the thousands of hours playing Rayman 2, Rayman 3, Runescape and many more!
Then when he discovered the Elder Scrolls series in 2012, that's when his genuine love for RPGs and the fantasy genre took off. First, he played the hell out of Skyrim, then moved on to all the other games in the series before he moved cities to study archaeology. He loved these games because they were able to transport him to another world where he would be anyone or anything. Moreover, he adored the stories and settings. It was amazing to walk through a world much like things he'd read in books as a child.
It was in this new city he discovered Dungeons and Dragons and lifelong friends. It was this which drove him to consider taking his passion for fantasy further. Not only does he now play any RPG game that he can get his hands on, but he is a passionate writer who is currently writing an epic fantasy series he hopes to one day publish.
Today as a writer, Arthur has published many papers to do with his archaeological research and is now working in games journalism. He sees the craft of writing as a way to explore his love for games, connect with others, and develop his skills as a writer. Not only has he had years of experience in this industry as a gamer geek, but he has engaged with dialogues with other game critics and follows the latest game news.
Then when he discovered the Elder Scrolls series in 2012, that's when his genuine love for RPGs and the fantasy genre took off. First, he played the hell out of Skyrim, then moved on to all the other games in the series before he moved cities to study archaeology. He loved these games because they were able to transport him to another world where he would be anyone or anything. Moreover, he adored the stories and settings. It was amazing to walk through a world much like things he'd read in books as a child.
It was in this new city he discovered Dungeons and Dragons and lifelong friends. It was this which drove him to consider taking his passion for fantasy further. Not only does he now play any RPG game that he can get his hands on, but he is a passionate writer who is currently writing an epic fantasy series he hopes to one day publish.
Today as a writer, Arthur has published many papers to do with his archaeological research and is now working in games journalism. He sees the craft of writing as a way to explore his love for games, connect with others, and develop his skills as a writer. Not only has he had years of experience in this industry as a gamer geek, but he has engaged with dialogues with other game critics and follows the latest game news.
Beholerman's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Old School Runescape and DND 5e