
After receiving his college degree in Professional Writing in 2014, Beau has experienced writing articles for local publishing companies and also has years of proofreading and editing. He has been a geek for most of his life, and he wants to share his love for all things geeky with the world. When he is not working on his creative writing, he finds time to spamming the jump button on video games such as Metroid, The Legend of Zelda, Fallout, Dishonored, Dark Souls, and much more. If it has Fantasy, Science Fiction, or Dystopian themes, chances are that he has already played it. He loves these types of games because of the amount of effort that is put into creating a world that is rich with lore, but just enough so that the gamer can put the pieces together themselves. Beau loves a good story, and he hopes that with his articles, he can show people that video games are an inexhaustible source of telling one.
belvazar's Rank: Total Noob
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