
Camille has been gaming since she was four years old. Its become her favorite pastime and one of her biggest passions aside writing! Because of her in-depth experience of 20 years, she's been able to play an ample array of video games of different genres. Her favorite video game franchise is the Legend of Zelda, and her favorite console is the Gamecube. Camille is mainly skilled at Action Adventure games, RPGs, and platformers. Camille has written multiple retrospectives on her favorite games. She’s been creatively writing since she was a little girl, and professionally writing for the past 3 years. On her free time, Camille loves to draw, write, game, and spend time with her dogs.
Camillehylian's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Top 3 Favorite Games