Carlton is a writer with several published works under his belt and years of experience in writing stories and media analysis through YouTube and other platforms, collaborating with many notable creators in the media review field and having them guest on episodes of his podcast, Children of the Night. He specializes in fiction writing, particularly in the Western, Epic Fantasy, Science Fiction genres and is an expert in Wild West history and has written many acclaimed short stories in the Wild West/Historical Fantasy/Horror genres on Reedsy. For gaming, he is particularly interested in narrative critique and how good stories are structured and why. His favorite games are Red Faction on the PS2, COD Zombies: BO1, 2, 3, Cold War, WaW, and IW (there are no other Zombie modes of note), Dishonoured, Uncharted, and Doom: Eternal. He loves discussing what he enjoys and what he despises in media and is passionate about the craft because he himself aspires to speak as an artist who works on his own art and not a critic on the sideline.
Carlton W Gant III's Rank: Total Noob
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Call of Duty: Zombies
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