
Chandler is an experienced gamer who has collected games old and new and has been gaming since he could hold a joystick. He has traveled through Hyrule, Middle Earth, and Tamriel to name a few. Gaming is an important experience in his life and he feels as though this should be shared.
Chandler is a second year student at the University of Cincinnati studying cyber security. He is also an Eagle Scout.
During his career as a writer he has specialized in writing about his gaming experiences which are mostly RPGs but he does dabble in other genres. He is an expert in creating meaningful pieces about his favorite games and why they are great.
Chandler is a second year student at the University of Cincinnati studying cyber security. He is also an Eagle Scout.
During his career as a writer he has specialized in writing about his gaming experiences which are mostly RPGs but he does dabble in other genres. He is an expert in creating meaningful pieces about his favorite games and why they are great.
chandmat's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
No Man's Sky
Top 3 Favorite Games