
Christian likes to say that she is a woman of many interests and talents. She loves music, writing, and video games. If you can name it, she probably likes it. She has been writing for many years and is now earning her living from it. She also spends a lot of her free time playing her favorite video games and has been since she was a child. She mostly likes creative writing and writing with her own voice rather than informational writing and feels like her more creative side comes across when she tries to write in other forms. Her favorite games are simulation games and RPG games so she thinks those are the most interesting games to write about. The games she plays the most are The Sims 4 and Stardew Valley, and every now and then she picks up the Fallout series or Mass Effect. Those are particularly fun for her when she feels like really putting her mind to something. She loves to write about video games because she loves talking about things that she loves and writing about it is a wonderful way to do that.
cmhuffine's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
The Sims 4, Stardew Valley
Top 3 Favorite Games