
Valerie, also known as Crabarus, absolutely loves video games, pop culture, and anime. She has been a gamer since 5 years old, her first favorite game being Kingdom Hearts. Valerie is an experienced writer who loves to share with others her passion for gaming, especially when it comes to Runescape, Assassin's Creed, and The Sims. Her love for video games is expansive, from FPS to action adventure games. Enthusiastic in everything she does, she wants to share her knowledge of any and all games she has played. She is a thorough person who takes the time to research, making sure all her content is accurate so other gamers can benefit from her knowledge! Gaming is her life and she loves to share this fun with her friends in her free time.
Crabarus's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Runescape, Sims 4, Backrooms
Top 3 Favorite Games