
With over 30 years of gaming experience, and more than 20 in academic writing, Casey brings a level of expertise to the arena rarely seen in the realm of video games. His passion for the artform, naturally extends to the philosophical notions of works such as Red Dead Redemption, Dark Souls, and NieR Automata. A true geek at heart, and never one to miss an episode of Star Trek, he intrepidly argues the finer points of the eternal debate regarding Kirk and Picard. In addition, his love of all things physics and mathematics gives him a unique perspective, and he is a devoted proponent for the use of differential equations, as well as improved fluid dynamic models in gaming. When he’s not using his knowledge of physics to better tune cars in racing simulations, Casey greatly enjoys playing the RPG and RTS genres.
Dispersive_Wave's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Ace Combat 7, Red Dead Redemption 2, Dark Souls Remastered