
Carl is an English major with a focus in creative writing at Michigan State University. He has been writing fiction and playing video games from a very young age and has competed in several small tournaments for fighting games in the past. He's also been a finalist for the MSU Creative Writing Awards in 2019. Carl loves all things fantasy from Tolkien, Elder Scrolls, and Dungeons and Dragons. His favorite types of video games are fighting and rpg games. He loves getting immersed in new worlds rich with lore and the thrill of competition against an opponent. Carl's area of game writing is based around opinionated pieces such as the state of a certain fighting game and its balance or a general game review. He loves to write about fighting games and how they're meta changes or obscure pieces of lore he finds interesting.
erznozn2's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Destiny 2
Top 3 Favorite Games