Having grown up right alongside video gaming Anthony cut his teeth on systems like the Sega Master System, Gameboy and the NES. Basking in the warm glow of the CRT TV was his idea night as a youngster and as the gaming industry grew and matured, so did Anthony. Having poured hours into more games than some can shake a stick at Anthony was always taken in by the stories and art of the worlds each cartridge or disk held. Practicing the same levels over and over to try and perfect them is what may have led him to pursue a career in the kitchen. Having been cooking professionally for 14 years, beating a game is like creating a recipe; try it a hundred different ways until it you got it just right. Analyze the ingredients, the enemies, the cooking techniques or attack patterns. It's all a passion and great fun for Anthony. Bringing his wit, detailed oriented mind and and sarcastic streak Anthony loves to write and share what he feels makes games art! And, hopefully not something that gets sent back to the kitchen.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Hell Let Loose