
Rolando Gutierrez is a writer with GAMERS DECIDE. He is also the author and illustrator of BLACKHORSES Webcomic and contributor to several blogs. He has a B.A in Medieval History, is a US Army Veteran, and has written for academic, military, and personal publications. He has been a gamer and nerd all of his life and has owned an NES, N64, PS1, PS2, PS3, XBox 1, PS4, and PC. His varied background informs his writing which focuses on the social and storytelling aspects of digital entertainment, specifically role playing and military themed games as well as tabletop games such as D&D. He is a Metal Gear Solid fanboy for life (why wasn't MGS3 on the favorite games list?!) and eagerly looks forward to the next Elder Scrolls game (coming Fall 2030 probably). He has been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic since Beta in 2010. He loves the infinite possibilities of interactive storytelling and those game designers/storytellers that go the extra mile to ensure the experience is unforgettable and unique.
HeroofDonovia's Rank: Total Noob
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Currently Playing
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain