
Bella has been a professional writer for three years, publishing blogs, articles, and scripts. She has been featured in many competitions, including the GHSA’s esteemed Literary Competition where she was able to place at a state level. Having grown up playing World of Warcraft with her dad, Bella has had a love of gaming since she was old enough to sit at the computer or pick up a controller. She has spent more time than she would like to admit playing MMOs, RPGs, and FPS games, but those years of gaming have given her the experience she needs to be an expert. RPGs are by far her favorite games, as they feature such impressive character and world building, player customization, and unbeatable story-telling. Bella rejoices in being able to write about games and share her love and knowledge with people all over the world. She hopes that her words can help others fall in love with gaming just like she did.
HummingHappily's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
World of Warcraft
Top 3 Favorite Games