
After thousands of hours of games, Jared Prince is qualified to say whether or not a game is trash. After upwards of a hundred hours in a composition class, Jared knows how to tell you whether a game is trash. As a gamer, he's what you call a completionist. Only after the grind for 100% of a game's achievements is a game over, as far as Jared is concerned. That doesn't stop him from simply enjoying a game, though. From Plants Vs Zombies to XCOM 2, Jared considers any game worth trying at least once regardless of the atmosphere around it. He isn't restricted to PC games, either, but thoroughly understands why the PC is the master race.
Though willing to try out any genre, TBS and RPG games have a special spot in Jared's heart. The best parts are the complex and satisfying stratagems just waiting to be employed in either, and the potential for an amazingly rich experience in either, though that mainly falls onto the RPGs. A unique story with hours of content besides the story are Jared's bread and butter, and he'll gladly write a thesis for anything good enough.
Some games that topped Jared's charts: NieR - Automata, XCOM 2, Civilization V&VI
Though willing to try out any genre, TBS and RPG games have a special spot in Jared's heart. The best parts are the complex and satisfying stratagems just waiting to be employed in either, and the potential for an amazingly rich experience in either, though that mainly falls onto the RPGs. A unique story with hours of content besides the story are Jared's bread and butter, and he'll gladly write a thesis for anything good enough.
Some games that topped Jared's charts: NieR - Automata, XCOM 2, Civilization V&VI
Jablue's Rank: Total Noob
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: 0
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Currently Playing
Civilization VI
Top 3 Favorite Games