
Meet the writer, Jack!
Jack is a certified jack of all trades. Seriously, his certifications range from computer hardware to neurological disorders. He is even a certified coach in Olympic boxing, the man has an obsession with knowledge.
Jack is a modern day bard. A poet. He makes a hung over morning with screaming kids sound like something to be desired. If you haven't caught on, he's a creative writer.
He dabbles in a little fantasy from time to time but he likes to lay it out in dirty realism. He writes no flowery words to make a game sound like more than it is.
Jack has been in the gaming world for over 15 years. Not just playing, talking and interacting. Jack even used to game with some of the teams from EA and Sony.
We got the scoop on his favorite genre. It's storytelling, classic role playing with depth and style. He favors quality over quantity. He tells us, a good story is worth far more than giant maps or thousands of pixels. And a good story is what he plans to tell.
Jack is a certified jack of all trades. Seriously, his certifications range from computer hardware to neurological disorders. He is even a certified coach in Olympic boxing, the man has an obsession with knowledge.
Jack is a modern day bard. A poet. He makes a hung over morning with screaming kids sound like something to be desired. If you haven't caught on, he's a creative writer.
He dabbles in a little fantasy from time to time but he likes to lay it out in dirty realism. He writes no flowery words to make a game sound like more than it is.
Jack has been in the gaming world for over 15 years. Not just playing, talking and interacting. Jack even used to game with some of the teams from EA and Sony.
We got the scoop on his favorite genre. It's storytelling, classic role playing with depth and style. He favors quality over quantity. He tells us, a good story is worth far more than giant maps or thousands of pixels. And a good story is what he plans to tell.
Jack.Sauron's Rank: Total Noob
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