
A gamer for more than 10 years, Joel is an expert in narrative crafting and character development. Nearly all of his works received universal praise such that he found himself begging for criticism. He is an expert at writing game reviews and strategy guides as a result of his tendency to hyper-focus on a game once he's started getting into it and picking it apart. He graduated from Cameron Heights Collegiate where he participated in the International Baccalaureate program and completed several preparatory courses meant for University students looking to get literary degrees. He has literally thousands of hours of experience in the RPG/MMO and RTS/4X genres, and although his love for MMOs have faded over the years, his passion for RPGS and RTS/4X has remained strong. He loves writing about game narratives, and you can trust him to find the story elements of a game.
JRGawne's Rank: Total Noob
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