
Ever since her older sibling first invited her to play on the Play Station, Katie has been in love with gaming. It is easily one of the most important things in her life, allowing her to express creativity, blow off steam, improve her problem-solving skills, and connect her with friends and loved ones even over long distances. No one genre fully captures everything she loves about gaming, so she is constantly exploring new areas of the gaming scene; her Steam library covers the gambit, from the big-name classics like Skyrim and Fallout to the lesser-known indie titles like Oxygen Not Included. She also loves talking about all things gaming with friends and in online forums, whether to discover hidden secrets and tricks or to simply gush about a cool new feature. As such, she seeks to professionally discuss her passion of games with writing, another persistent hobby of hers. She spends almost as much time writing as gaming, especially for personal projects like short stories or creating a proper narrative for her player in the most recent RPG that has her attention.
Katie O's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Cult of the Lamb, Inscryption, Don't Starve
Top 3 Favorite Games