
Mats has over 5 years of experience in writing and producing video game enthusiast content. He's authored hundreds of reviews, previews, editorials, news stories, features, and even a few top 10 lists. He eventually graduated to senior editor at the previous site he wrote for and oversaw the editorial staff while also helping to produce and edit video reviews and features. Mats' gaming habits these days are a bit all over the place; from turn-based strategy, to MOBA's, to simulation military shooters and action-RPGs. Mats’ first gaming experience was Wolfenstein 3D on Windows 3.1, since then he’s always owned a gaming PC, usually paired with one or two consoles, these included Sega Mega Drive, Nintendo 64, all the Playstations and the Xbox 360. Mats' passion for writing about games came from obsessively discussing and debating them in video game community forums and finding that he enjoyed dissecting the gameplay and narrative of a game to get to its core so that he could share his ideas with others, as such he has a special love of writing long form editorials with in-depth analysis and meta commentary. That said good luck stopping him reviewing the latest games reporting on the latest news.
MatsPaasche's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Escape from Tarkov
Top 3 Favorite Games