Marques is an experienced traveler and screenwriter, having been to12 countries in total over the past 2 years. He is a graduate of Texas Tech University with a degree in English and Film. Taking his education seriously, Marques was awarded the "presidential transfer scholarship" for his entirety at Texas Tech University for maintaining above excellent performance in the class. Although screenwriting is his niche, Marques Deleeon does not wander far from other writing projects such as editing technical documents, editing film/documentary footage, and blogging about his favorite classic videogames and films. His favorite genre for videogames is JRPG and his favorite genre for film is horror. When he has down time, aside from videogames, Marques Deleeon is an active prose writer, working on multiple novel's and actively reading author's like Faulkner, Melville, and McCarthy.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Dragon Warrior III (NES)