
Brought into the world of gaming by the time he was 10, Argie knew that gaming will bring him countless hours of fun, a thing that has never changed even up to this day. Back in the days where gaming in Playstation 2 was the norm, he used to sink hours into games like Bloody Roar, Digimon Rumble Arena, Quake 3, Army Men, and more before transitioning into PC where games like Counter Strike, Battle Realms, and Warcraft 3 were rising in popularity. Fast forward a few years, he was introduced to RPGs and formed a newfound love with the genre, starting from MMORPGs like Ragnarok Online, MU Online, World of Warcraft, Archeage, and Guild Wars 2, then later on switching to single-player RPGs. He's an experienced RPG fan through and through, especially ones that involved action and fascinating lore which is apparent in the games he loves including Skyrim, The Witcher 3, the Dark Souls series, Sekiro, Nioh 1 and 2, Divinity: Original Sin, and much, much more. Argie has a passion for games which is apparent in the articles he write, and as an expert in the genre, bein able to share what he's learned, discovered, and accomplished to his fellow gamers is such an amazing opportunity.
MrGraie's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Elden Ring