
Mykolas C. Parker is an avid PC gamer of twenty years who enjoys novels and tabletop hobbies. He is an educated and experienced writer capable of both creative and technical writing who graduated from University of Massachusetts Lowell with an English Bachelor's Degree focused on Creative Writing. He is an expert on writing about games with RPG elements, having spent a large portion of his gaming career playing and analyzing games with depth and character progression. He understands the merits that make for a memorable classic, and the pitfalls that will result in a game's failing. He is passionate about game writing, loving to both teaching and learning about gaming and the surrounding culture.
mykolascole's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Grim Dawn, Total War Warhammer II, Among us, Warhammer 40,000: Gladius
Top 3 Favorite Games