
Hey there, my name's Adam!! I've written a couple of short horror stories as well as working on a fantasy story about a dragon. I've always got fantasy ideas rolling around in my head and tend to see life with a bit of a fantastical filter! When it comes to gaming, I just love to share gaming info. What games I found fun, what stuff I see being useful or fun in the gaming community, sharing what heath stuff I know about games. You know, all that fun stuff non-gamers think is dumb. I first started loving games when I saw my bro play Resident Evil on the PS2, and I started gaming on the Nintendo 64 with Mario Kart 64 and Super Mario 64. My friend had an Xbox, which I fell in love with. I had never known anything but Nintendo and PlayStation. I've owned each generation of Xbox until the Series X/S, but I can't wait to get one, and a Switch! Rpgs with character customization are my weakness!
N7ARC's Rank: Total Noob
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Skryim Special Edition; Anniversary and Conan Exiles
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