
A time traveler of no small ability, Nicholas is known for his obsession with storytelling, a gleeful predeliction for cheese, and an alarming tendency to forget why sleep is important when gaming.
With 13 years of experience as a professional writer, Nicholas has made it his mission to share his love of gaming with as many people as possible. He has been a gamer ever since DOS and has since become enamored with gaming as a platform for storytelling.
In addition to being a Dungeons and Dragons geek, Nicholas has been subbed to Final Fantasy XIV since it launched in 2013. His experience with MMORPGs dates all the way back to Everquest, and he has become an expert at speaking on the industry's innovation, evolution, and the mind-bogglingly positive impact that these elements have had on the world at large.
It is an incredible time to be a part of the gaming industry, and Nicholas is determined to get a front-row seat!
With 13 years of experience as a professional writer, Nicholas has made it his mission to share his love of gaming with as many people as possible. He has been a gamer ever since DOS and has since become enamored with gaming as a platform for storytelling.
In addition to being a Dungeons and Dragons geek, Nicholas has been subbed to Final Fantasy XIV since it launched in 2013. His experience with MMORPGs dates all the way back to Everquest, and he has become an expert at speaking on the industry's innovation, evolution, and the mind-bogglingly positive impact that these elements have had on the world at large.
It is an incredible time to be a part of the gaming industry, and Nicholas is determined to get a front-row seat!
nbigelow's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XIV
Top 3 Favorite Games