
Hail, traveler! Gather 'round and heed the words of Neale DiMento, a touring musician turned writer who has no shortage of opinions and has zero problem sharing them. While spending 10+ years in the music industry he has been creating content, written and otherwise, every step of the way. A Journalism major, he has been around the field for several years but around video games even longer. A few favorites include Golden Sun, Super Mario World, the Final Fantasy series, and most currently, Destiny 2 - however, the biggest draw to him is the community. There is something special about the bond (and let's face it, sometimes the beef) between player and game, allow him to help you navigate through it all!
oatneale's Rank: Total Noob
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: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Destiny 2, Final Fantasy VIII, Super Mario Maker 2