
I've spent countless hours over the course of my life consuming as well as creating geek content. Playing everything I can get my hands on from video games to board games all the way down to riddles, gaming is my life. I create in-depth characters as a hobby for everything from fictional stories to people's dungeons and dragons games. I've also collected/ read comics and manga for as long as I can remember on top of spending an enormous amount of time watching anime. I have cultivated my knowledge through sheer time spent with my culture and as such have a wide breadth of professional-level expertise in these fields. I also thoroughly adore TCGs my favorite being Magic The Gathering but having spent time playing a lot of different ones.
PathfinderDreamer's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Among us, Kingdoms of Amalur re-reckoning, DragonBall Fighter Z