
Nick has been playing computer games since his dad introduced him to Star Wars: TIE-Fighter and Rebel Assault 2 at the tender age of four. Hooked since then, he’s grown into an avid consumer of action adventure, RPG, shoot-n-loot, and stealth games, particularly ones dwelling within the sci-fi and fantasy realms. These days, his all time favorites include the Jedi Knight series, the Batman: Arkham series, Skyrim, and Portal 1&2.
An avid writer since the days when he was no taller than a hobbit, creative writing and ranting about geek-dom have extended beyond his ill-fated university minor in creative writing to become a lifelong passion. With his hundreds of hours playing, reading on, and watching videos about video games (and the lore behind them) the amount of accumulated mostly useless knowledge in Nick’s head has begun to near critical mass. Since nobody wants giblets of his overstuffed head splattering on them, expunging it all via writing for the internet masses is an absolute necessity.
An avid writer since the days when he was no taller than a hobbit, creative writing and ranting about geek-dom have extended beyond his ill-fated university minor in creative writing to become a lifelong passion. With his hundreds of hours playing, reading on, and watching videos about video games (and the lore behind them) the amount of accumulated mostly useless knowledge in Nick’s head has begun to near critical mass. Since nobody wants giblets of his overstuffed head splattering on them, expunging it all via writing for the internet masses is an absolute necessity.
Rahenkamp's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Battlefront 2 (still)
Top 3 Favorite Games