
Reese has been playing games since his hands have been able to touch all the buttons without moving (and a little before then). After being a catastrophic failure at everything he played for an extended period of time, he made it a point to "get gud". Now he writes articles over the games that once defeated him, analyzing the context of the works, reviewing the value of any specific title, and helping others "get gud". If he can assist in anyone understanding the medium just a little bit better, then he's done more than enough.
Under his belt, Reese has a soon to be published Dungeons and Dragons module, as well as a few creative writing scholarships. Professionalism and years of experience are not things to be strived for, they are givens when working with Reese. He often writes essays for fun over the complex ideas of games such as Far Cry 5 and Darkest Dungeon, but now that he has been given an outlet he cannot wait to share his thoughts with the world.
Make no mistake, Reese is an expert in the fields of horror, gothic themes, and Lovecraftian undertones. Buy him lunch and you will not be able to see the end of his rants over the historical significance of the Warhammer universe (both fantasy and 40k). He loves writing about games because (contrary to popular belief) games matter. They help people through the hardest times, build friendships, and craft communities in ways movies, books, and TV can only hope to accomplish. Games are important, so writing about them is only natural.
Under his belt, Reese has a soon to be published Dungeons and Dragons module, as well as a few creative writing scholarships. Professionalism and years of experience are not things to be strived for, they are givens when working with Reese. He often writes essays for fun over the complex ideas of games such as Far Cry 5 and Darkest Dungeon, but now that he has been given an outlet he cannot wait to share his thoughts with the world.
Make no mistake, Reese is an expert in the fields of horror, gothic themes, and Lovecraftian undertones. Buy him lunch and you will not be able to see the end of his rants over the historical significance of the Warhammer universe (both fantasy and 40k). He loves writing about games because (contrary to popular belief) games matter. They help people through the hardest times, build friendships, and craft communities in ways movies, books, and TV can only hope to accomplish. Games are important, so writing about them is only natural.
Reese.Surles's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
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