
Having grown up in the rain-drenched Pacific Northwest his entire life, Ryan has been an avid gamer since the mid 90’s when the Super Nintendo and N64 were a big deal and a writer since he could first hold a pen. Combining his love for gaming and desire to one day become a published author, Ryan has found enjoyment and success in using his past writing and editorial skills to conceptualize, draft and report upon numerous topics in the media related world. While being a gamer for the past 20+ years, Ryan began his professional steps in writing back in 2013 when he joined a college, student ran newspaper as a staff reporter, writer and editor. Learning all he could about the AP style, Ryan now uses those skills in his current professional environments as well as the novel he began working on almost 4 years ago. His favorite types of games are RPGs and MMOS, but also enjoys arcade and casual based gaming as well as breaking out the N64 from time to time to relive the days that first hooked him into the gaming world. Ryan enjoys the investigative researching that comes with writing for games and what it takes to make his work stand out and feel unique -all the while finding a deep level of passion for the medium in which he writes for.
Rtipper's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Currently Playing
Overwatch, Zelda: Breath of the Wind, Planet Coaster, Astroneer, SMITE, World of Warcraft (Private Server)