
Scott Beauchamp got his first Gameboy in 1998 from his mom as a way to distract him on a long flight to Japan. He has been gaming ever since. A lover of sports and RPG games, there is nothing Scott loves more than taking on a new story mode with the hopes of saving Gotham City, becoming a Pokemon master, or saving all of Skyrim. In his alter-ego as a writer, Scott has broad experience writing about everything from sports to music to politics. However, like Bruce Wayne returning to Gotham after seven years away, Scott returned to his true love, gaming. The opportunity to combine his skill for writing with his passion for gaming is something Scott is grateful for and he is looking forward to the opportunity to create excellent content for his fellow gamers to enjoy.
Sbeauchamp's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Red Dead Redemption 2
Top 3 Favorite Games