Meet Sean, your go-to expert on all things geeky. Sean has been internationally published in magazines and websites alike, writing about his passions and whatever rabbit hole he's fallen down that week.

But his love for exploring doesn't stop at the real world - when he's not chasing stories IRL, he's chasing ghost in Phasmophobia or running from Creepers in Minecraft. When he isn't slashing through facts to write articles on all manner of subjects, he's trying to correctly time a Sword Dance on Elden Ring. He's also just discovered the Sims 4, and has yet to work out how to make ROSEBUD work in actual real life, but he does keep trying.

Sean's favorite games of all are those with big learning curves, the need for great timing skills and those rich in lore. He's anyone's for lore. His greatest gaming achievement is his epic Minecraft builds, clocking in about 500 hours even though he's only been playing for two years!
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Elden Ring