Video games have been a part of Noah's life, since he was introduced to computers at a young age. At first, he tried to put his creative writing into game coding. Yet, he found book and article writing easier while he poured hours into games such as Bionicle Heroes, Destiny 2, and Armello. Platforming games such as Ori and the Blind Forest and Dust: An Elysian Tail are the games he primarily focuses on. Yet, Destiny 2 has his attention nowadays, having spent over 800 hours on it. Graduating from Lancaster Bible College with a Bachelors in Communication, Noah gained 4 years of writing including more than 2 articles published in ECHO magazine. The part he enjoys most about writing about games, both video and board games is introducing the better parts of their story. Many games have wonderfully structured stories that are better when looked at a second time. Additionally, he has fun writing about board games and the fun one can have outside the virtual world with their friends and families.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Destiny 2