
Shawn is a teacher in Southern California and published author. Ever since his father got him a Playstation for his birthday in the mid-nineties, he has been an avid gamer. While the bundle his father bought contained racing games, role-playing games are where he felt at home. Games like Final Fantasy, Brave Fencer Musashi, and Monster Rancher occupied most of his time while he was a young boy, and now games like Mass Effect, Witcher 3, and Borderlands are what occupies his time and mind. This passion for RPGs has carried over, and spilled over into tabletop gaming, where Shawn is an experienced (and obsessed) Dungeons and Dragons player and DM. He has spent the last few years writing and creating his own homebrew campaign for Dungeons and Dragons, working with his players to create a fantastic story of adventure, valor, and demon slaying.
slagatronn's Rank: Total Noob
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: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
Top 3 Favorite Games