
Nichole has had an interest in video games since her family bought a SNES when she was a kid. Many hours were spent playing various Mario games on nearly every Nintendo system; she even has a Paper Mario tattoo to prove it! Aside from her nostalgic admiration for everyone's favorite mustachioed plumber, Nichole's gaming adventures have spanned multiple genres, though her favorite types of games are RTS, simulation, and open world RPGs. Spawning from her love of rich background stories in games, Nichole started writing from a young age, which has culminated in countless pages of poetry and short stories, not to mention multiple articles on all things geek culture related. Nichole's interest in geek culture goes beyond video games, and includes all things horror and supernatural related, anime, graphic novels and comics, and so much more.
snaedis's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Civilization V, Magic: The Gathering Arena