Charles has had a love for writing ever since he won a poetry competition in elementary school. After winning praise for his poem about a kid who becomes trapped inside of Super Mario Brothers 3, his obsession with the weird, offbeat, and grotesque has saw him create worlds and characters that exist on the margins of society, only to become heroes in strange and fantastical worlds. Since high school, Charles has made it his writing mission to explore the strange and mysterious. In writing stories that go beyond everyday life, he sought to escape from conventional storytelling, since we all have to deal with ordinary life everyday. In college, Charles chose to study history to gain a firm understanding of the entire history of the human species, from nomadic hominids to brilliant artists. In graduate school, he is studying film with an emphasis in horror and fantasy cinema. He has made it his life's mission to write about what it feels like to suspend disbelief in a darkened theater, where imagination reigns supreme and ordinariness is forgotten.
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