
Branden began his gaming career in 1992 playing The Revenge of Shinobi on Sega Genisis, He was hooked from the moment he through his first Shuriken. Branden's favorite genre is Action RPG, with his top 3 games being; Skyrim, Borderlands 2 and The Witcher 3, honorable mention The force unleashed. What he like about the genre is how the player gets to build their character how they see fit, in other genres your character is already developed but in RPG's you have total control. Being a writer, a well-developed story line is what he looks for in a game.
Branden became a professional writer in 2016 helping companies create eye catching bios for their employees, since then he has gone on to be published in a magazine, write a fantasy short story series and have a running column on a parenting site. His favorite subject to write creatively about is fantasy, their are no rules, when writing the author can create languages, creature and landscapes, there is nothing like it. It was only a matter of time before Branden combine his love of video games and writing into a career.
Branden became a professional writer in 2016 helping companies create eye catching bios for their employees, since then he has gone on to be published in a magazine, write a fantasy short story series and have a running column on a parenting site. His favorite subject to write creatively about is fantasy, their are no rules, when writing the author can create languages, creature and landscapes, there is nothing like it. It was only a matter of time before Branden combine his love of video games and writing into a career.
theblackvalentine's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Borderlands 3 and Monster hunter world
Top 3 Favorite Games