
Ever since she first played DOOM on her pastor's Packard Bell computer back in 1995, April has lived and breathed videogames. From the Sega Genesis onwards, she became wrapped up into the story aspect of games, writing fiction taking place in these worlds and interreacting with others of the same mindset. She still does, and is eternally grateful that Dial-Up isn't needed to post work online anymore. There's just something about how people interact with the stories in videogames that has always fascinated her. She plays many kinds of games, mostly online games that allow her to get into the mindset of a character (examples being Dungeons and Dragons, Destiny 2, and Fallout 76). A graduate with a Bachelors of Fine arts degree, she appreciates games that have interesting and creative art styles (Such as Hollow Knight and Hades). She is always on the lookout for new games that push the limit on how art and games interact with each other. In writing articles, she hopes to impart some of the feelings she experiences with each game she plays to a new reader, and hopefully encourages them to experience it themselves.
TinyTabbyToebeans's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Destiny 2
Top 3 Favorite Games