
Umar started his gaming adventure at the age of 7 with Cadillac and the dinosaurs and Contra. The feeling of exploring the virtual world was extraordinary for him and it took him on a journey of exploring a plethora of new games. Growing up he tried his hands on multiple genre of gaming and it was late until 2015 that he found his love with first person shooter game, starting with Counter Strike. So now he plays a mixture of new generation fps games with old generation adventures. He is pursuing engineering in biology but his passion for writing about games have not withered even a bit. He enjoys talking about the experience and sharing it to the world. His way of writing is well detailed, creative and concise. He likes to put his mind into gaming and strategize the play which he sees as a challenge and an opportunity to outsmart his opponents. With over 3000 hours in CSGO and a couple hundred hours in games like Rocket league and Call of duty, he has a passion to write and tell the whole world about the amazing experience of gaming. What he loves about gaming is slowly climbing the ladder to the top and the satisfaction that is gained through playing. He loves to write about games because he's passionate about them as it has been an active and important aspect in his life which helped him in growth as a human being.
umaryousuf's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Counter Strike : Global Offensive
Top 3 Favorite Games