
Carter has been a well-versed Pokémon Trainer since four years old. Starting the franchise in 2000 with Pokémon Yellow led him to twenty-two years of pure joy and memories as he moved up to the newer titles. Carter has spent years covering video game news through his previously owned websites and YouTube channels since 2016. After realizing his passion and knowledge for his favorite franchises like Pokémon, Fire Emblem, and Zelda, he began to write reviews, throw video updates together, or write articles regarding those titles all on his own. It made sense after pouring several years into those titles. Carter also enjoys the FPS genre, especially the strategy titles like Valorant. He has also recently gotten back into the Yu-Gi-Oh! Franchise by re-watching the entire animated series and playing the games. Carter considers Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's the best of the franchise. Overall, his journeys across many RGPs have led Carter to become a video game journalist, sharing his words, thoughts, and excitement with the electronic world. Seeing the positive reactions to him writing an honest review of a game or giving updates is what made him love doing this.
wasabifi's Rank: Total Noob
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: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Pokémon Ultra Moon