
Xavier Morris is an American fantasy and creative writer. He began his writing career by writing numerous poetry and short stories. As his experience and passion for writing grew his once short stories soon began to grow into full-length novels. He studied Criminology at The Pennsylvania State University, before his interest shifted to the mechanics of the video game industry. Morris’ background in writing poetry and understanding how words could influence the thoughts and feelings of people shifted his focus on the importance of dialogue in gaming and how it was a key component in character development. He understood that dialogue pertaining to any conversation or action being shared needed purpose and flowed with the narrative and actions given.
Morris cites that gaming giants such as Bethesda Game Studios as a large inspiration and influenced him to pay attention to key details that make the difference of making a good game, a great game, and making a great game into a masterpiece. Morris’ favorite games included, the Mass Effect series, The Elder Scroll series, Kingdom hearts series, Shadow Hearts (2001), and the Final Fantasy series. Since he was a young child he was a huge follower and support for the action role-playing genre and how these massive worlds and the beautiful scenery within them perfectly aligns with a strong story.
Morris cites that gaming giants such as Bethesda Game Studios as a large inspiration and influenced him to pay attention to key details that make the difference of making a good game, a great game, and making a great game into a masterpiece. Morris’ favorite games included, the Mass Effect series, The Elder Scroll series, Kingdom hearts series, Shadow Hearts (2001), and the Final Fantasy series. Since he was a young child he was a huge follower and support for the action role-playing genre and how these massive worlds and the beautiful scenery within them perfectly aligns with a strong story.
xmorris91's Rank: Total Noob
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Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Mass Effect Trilogy
Top 3 Favorite Games