Zachary Murray is an eSports backer, gaming aficionado when he's not owning rookies or devouring food. With over 20 years of experience playing playing video games, he is an expertise when it comes to FPS games and who absolutely loves to play or write about them. Zachary first began his journey with Goldeneye back on the Nintendo 64 and after a few years of dominating friends on that, he moved over to Unreal Tournament and Half-Life. His love for Half-Life is what lead him to the popular franchise known as Counter-Strike and it was from there that he has since discovered a deep love of eSports. What he loves eSports is the competition that it can incite in everyone, whether they are a fan or active participant. It is good fun for everyone and he believes that it is bringing people together over the games that they have a deep passion for and giving people opportunities that they have never had before. Zach believes that the future is now!
Zach64's Rank: Total Noob
: 0
: 0
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
CS:GO and Paladins!