Zack Gardner is a freelance writer and illustrator residing a good halfway between Harrisburg and Baltimore. He has experience with fiction writing for short stories and indie comics as well as illustrations specializing in character design, concept art, spots and pin-up art. Zack's style is influenced largely by indie comics, music, gaming (video and tabletop), and pretty much anything in the fantasy genre. He graduated university in 2000 from Maryland Institute College of Art with a specialty in Illustration. He is married to his high-school sweetheart, and they together have three kids and a mangy old cat. He currently sketching like a madman and working on writing his high-fantasy opus through bouts of procrastination-based writer’s block. He considers himself more of a storyteller than a writer and is fond of making up stories on the spot and spinning yarns for his friends and children.
Gamer Since
Currently Playing
Final Fantasy XV