The 50 Best Wonder Woman Cosplays We've Ever Seen: Page 2 of 11

50 Best Wonder Woman Cosplays
Ambra and her amazing Wonder Woman cosplay!

45. Katie Cosplays

Cosplay by Katie Cosplays

A lot of people may be unaware, but Wonder Woman has a secret weapon that’s literally right in front of your eyes: her tiara! It has razor edges and can be thrown as a projectile. The word’s coolest, wearable ninja star.

44. Miracole

Cosplay by Miracole

Diana is a highly-trained, extremely talented warrior, which is saying a lot considering how fierce and incredible the Amazons already are at warfare. She’s an expert with a sword, as well as thebow and arrow.

43. Fioresofen

Cosplay by Fioresofen

Wonder Woman’s bracelets can deflect bullets and energy blasts. They were created from the remnants of Zeus’s Aegis shield. She has some pretty cool moments in 2017’s Wonder Woman creating shockwave blasts.

42. Nikita Cosplay

Cosplay by Nikita Cosplay

Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth can even restrain gods. It forces people to tell the truth when they are bound by the lasso, as seen in the recent movie with Steve Trevor.

41. Y-o-s-s-i

Cosplay by Y-o-s-s-i

The Lasso of Truth, also known as the Lasso of Hestia, was originally called the Magic Lasso of Aphrodite in the Golden Age of comics. Also in the Golden Age, it was powerful enough to mind control people.

40. TineMarieRiis

Cosplay by TineMarieRiis

Diana also possesses golden armor, complete with a magical sword. This powerful sword was also forged by Hephaestus.

Preferring to spend time in space and occasionally the odd fantasy world or two, Michelle quite enjoys creating stories for distribution amongst the populace.
Gamer Since: 1989
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed 2 , Star Wars: Battlefront,

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IronLotus's picture

IronLotus 4 years 4 months ago

The cosplayers in this article are all good. Please look up Lis Wonder. No other cosplayer is even close to Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. She's a dead ringer for Gal. It's uncanny.