The 50 Best Wonder Woman Cosplays We've Ever Seen: Page 8 of 11

50 Best Wonder Woman Cosplays
Ambra and her amazing Wonder Woman cosplay!

16. Ivette Puig

Cosplay by IvettePuig

2016’s Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice was the first time Wonder Woman appeared on the big screen. However, there was a very famous TV show in the late 70’s starring Lynda Carter, which many people who were not familiar with the comics know her character from.

15. Anastasya01

Cosplay by Anastasya01

2017’s Wonder Woman was directed by Patty Jenkins, starring Gal Gadot. There’s also a Wonder Woman sequel in the works, titled Wonder Woman 1984, set for release in 2019.

14. Clair85

Cosplay by Clair85

One of the more famous, though older, portrayals of Wonder Woman have her flying an invisible plane. She also had the power to fly by riding wind currents, though only for short distances.

13. Rukiii

Cosplay by Rukiii

In the early comics, Diana Prince worked for military intelligence, with Steve Trevor. In later years, she worked at the United Nations, and even once owned her own clothing shop.

12. Lust-ik

Cosplay by Lust-ik

In the comics, Diana can fly, a gift granted by Hermes. She can reach speeds up to Mach 5.

Preferring to spend time in space and occasionally the odd fantasy world or two, Michelle quite enjoys creating stories for distribution amongst the populace.
Gamer Since: 1989
Top 3 Favorite Games:Assassin's Creed 2 , Star Wars: Battlefront,

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IronLotus's picture

IronLotus 4 years 4 months ago

The cosplayers in this article are all good. Please look up Lis Wonder. No other cosplayer is even close to Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman. She's a dead ringer for Gal. It's uncanny.