Wage War Against Extraterrestrials in These Alien Games for PC
Push back the Alien Invasion and have fun blasting E.T.s to shreds in these alien games.
17. Alien Shooter 2: Conscription
Alien Shooter 2: Conscription gameplay
Alien invasion! What remains of humanity is conscripted to defend the species. Defend cities and rural outposts from frenzied hordes. Play a private soldier ordered to hunt down and kill the alien mobs before they have you for lunch.
In this top-down shooter explore labyrinthine environments while being pursued by a wide variety of scaly, reptilian-like aliens. Fight your way through the mobs, step by step, as they slowly converge on your position, wearing you down, looking for weakness. Don’t panic! The survivors of each mission are rewarded with xps and money to improve your skills and weapons.
Unique Features
• Up to 100 aliens swarm on one map at one time
• Auxiliary equipment available, including radar and battle drones
• Three game modes: Campaign, Survive, Gun Stand
Get to the chopper!
Why shoot aliens when you can also just run them over in a military grade jeep?
16. Blacksite: Area 51
Blacksite: Area 51 gameplay
Those pesky aliens have escaped Area 51 again! After a brief stint in Iraq where an alien crystal was found, you play a soldier called to destroy an outbreak of mutated creatures and enraged extraterrestrials in this second of the franchise.
In this fast paced, classic-styled first person shooter you move quickly through a variety of missions beginning in Iraq, winding through urban and rural environments until you encounter the denizens of Area 51. While under aggressive pressure, command a squad and fight.
Unique Features
• Zoom in on distant targets using the advanced M4 carbine’s holographic sight.
• Take charge of a squad of soldiers and order them to set explosives and operate turrets.
• Absorb an obscene amount of gunfire damage before dying.
First person view looking down the site of your M4 carbine.
Some of the friendly fellows you will encounter.
15. Earthfall
Earthfall gameplay
Band together with fellow survivors after an alien invasion in this post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, first person shooter. Wander abandoned neighborhoods past empty cars and darkened houses to find resources, weapons and ammunition.
Play with up to four friends. You’ll need their help! Explore the area outside the safety of your compound. Enter into houses cautiously, search rooms, and find ammuniation and other resources for the survival of your community. Dead aliens explode in green slime. Build barricades and turrets to stave off the slathering hordes.
Unique Features
• Try to survive with the help of 4 other players.
• Use 3D printers to create over 20 deadly weapons.
• Deploy barricades and turrets to defend your community.
Don’t stay out too late!
Be quick or have your head eaten off.
14. Alien Rage—Unlimited
Alien Rage gameplay
Mete out justice on behalf of humanity! Until recently, humanity has shared a mining outpost with the alien specis, Vorus, in order to mine the valuable mineral, Promethium. After a period of peace and cooperation, the Vorus get greedy and massacre the human miners and take control of the outpost. Play Jack, the soldier sent to destroy the aliens and the facility.
Explore the mining facility and kill all aliens on sight in this first person shooter. No questions asked. Obtain larger amounts of points by killing large amounts of aliens in short periods of time or by killing them in special ways (explosives or head shots). Various upgrades help you with tougher opponents like damage resistance and the amount of ammunition you can carry. Expect a boss fight every few levels!
Unique Features
• Use your choice of 10 powerful weapons (ex. assault rifles, sniper rifles, shotguns, rocket launchers, miniguns), each with multiple firing modes.
• Experience huge boss fights—8 bosses on 14 levels in addition to 21 enemy types like infantry, warriors, flying drones and spiders.
• Intentionally difficult! The easiest setting is “challenging” and the next is “hard.”
Play “Jack” and rage against the aliens!
Defeat one of the many Vorus aliens.
13. Serious Sam 3 BFE
Serious Sam 3 BFE gameplay
After discovering an ancient artifact called The Time Lock, alien marauders invade Earth, bringing humanity close to extinction. Sam “Serious” Stone is ordered to alien occupied modern Egypt with a team to attempt to power up The Time Lock.
Move quickly through an urban environment, bashing aliens with your sledgehammer or blowing them to bits with a rocket launcher in this fast paced first person shooter. Search through abandoned buildings for health and weaponry. Survive!
Unique Features
• Carry unlimited amounts of weapons, including a cannon, assault rifle, rocket launcher, minigun and sledgehammer. Flip between weapons on the fly.
• No gun? Decimate the foe with your bare hands: pull eyes out of their sockets, snap necks, and twist off heads of alien bad guys.
• Fight in an abandoned urban Egypt that is bursting ripe with alien marauders.
Take your choice before you kick ass.
Double wield to take on the boss.
12. Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 2 gameplay
Defeat the insectoid Collectors in this sci-fi action sequel of Mass Effect. Play a solider, Commander Shephard, and assemble an elite team aboard the most powerful ship every built.
Customize your appearance and military and combat training, then save the galaxy again, completing exciting quests. Immerse yourself in the world in sophisticated cut scenes and dialogue with your crew, then engage in intense third person shooter mayhem. Continue the epic storyline from Mass Effect.
Unique Features
• Improved battle system allows you to target weak areas and blow off enemy limbs with high tech weapons.
• Increased interactivity with a refined dialogue system that remembers what you say and affects the outcome.
• Command the most powerful ship in the galaxy, The Normandy.
Colonel Shephard of The Normandy
Complete quests on the most powerful ship in the galaxy, The Normandy.
11. Xcom 2
Xcom 2 gameplay
20 years after Earth’s last line of defense, XCOM, was decimated, the new alien overlords have built a new society with a sinister agenda. In XCOM 2 you are part of the resistance operating on the fringes of society, facing impossible odds, hoping to ignite a global rebellion.
Switch between a variety of views from a cutaway view of The Avenger (your mobile HQ), to map views, to tactical battle views. Build the perfect resistance squad with recruited soldiers that have individual skill trees and abilities. Choose missions and command soldiers in tactical combat. Research and improve The Avenger.
Unique Features
• Engage in guerilla combat: ambush patrols, loot gear and artifacts and save fallen comrades.
• Command XCOM’s mobile HQ, The Avenger, and you choose where and when to fight. Customize The Avenger with specialized abilities researched by your scientists.
• Explore endless amounts of maps, missions and goals from wastelands, to secret alien installations, to alien-controlled mega-cities.
Command your soldiers to ambush the aliens!
Customize each of your soldiers’ skill trees.
10. Endless Space 2
Endless Space 2 gameplay
Conquer the galaxy in 3000 AD, choosing one of ten different space faring civilizations. Build an empire by colonizing, trading and invading in this turn-based space opera.
Begin the game with one colonized system, then research different technologies and expand your trade routes. Space battle is turn based and occurs in three phases in a card based system.
Unique Features
• Design your own ships and then take the ship live against players online.
• Lead one of 8 alien empires, each with its own unique advantages, play style and story line.
• Press the Space bar for a specialized Augmented Reality screen that gives you data and infographics regarding star systems, ship stats, and diplomatic stances.
Choose one of eight space faring empires.
Design and customize your own ships.
9. Alien Isolation
Alien Isolation gameplay
Learn the true meaning of fear as you walk alone along isolated corridors of an empty starship. Each corner you turn could be your last. Try not to breathe while you hide in a supply locker, slowly listening to it coming . You are Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, sent to discover your mother’s disappearance, and whatever got her is after you.
Wander the empty corridors of an isolated starship as the scaled, slavering alien waits for you in this sci-fi/horror first person thriller. Interface with the ship’s computer in an attempt to solve the mystery of what happened. Follow clues. Collect resources and use your wits to survive the monstrosity that prowls the isolated ship. Use your wits to survive!
Unique Features
• Defeat a relentless, terrifying foe that reacts in real time to every move you make. Experience persistent fear.
• Use your wits to hack systems, scavenge equipment and craft items to resolve each conflict. Hide, retreat or fight depending on the situation.
• Immerse yourself in a complex story ripe with mystery and betrayal. Explore a setting with rich characters on a decommissioned trading station on the remote edge of space.
Use your scanner to detect what’s around the corner.
Look out for what’s around each corner!
8. Aliens Vs. Predator
Aliens VS. Predator gameplay
Experience three different campaigns that intertwine to form one narrative: Aliens, Predator or the Colonial Marines. Choose the invasive Aliens and infect hosts or hunt down prey as the Predator from the treetops. Or play a marine with high tech weaponry and mow down your enemies.
Each species offers different gameplay with a different style. The Aliens can climb walls and jump quickly in order to attack up close using their dripping wet teeth and claws, seeking to pin down an enemy for a facehugger. The Predator calmly decimates his enemy from above using thermal imaging and relying on stealth and tactics. The Colonial Marines carry pulse rifles, flamethrowers, auto-tracking smartguns as well as motion trackers. Play all three campaigns, then face off in multiplayer mode.
Unique Features
• As an Alien, blend into the shadows, seek prey through walls using superior senses, then pounce and propogate the hive.
• As a Predator, participate in the “trophy-kill” system using wristblades in a hyper-intense experience that has been partially censored to avoid an “Adults Only” rating.
• Play as a marine in a classic first person shooter, then play each side against one another in a 3-way online mode.
Use stealth and tactics to play the Predator.
Game over, man!
7. Prey
Prey gameplay
As a subject of an experiment meant to aid humanity, you awaken on Talos I, a space station orbiting the moon in 2032—to realize that something has gone dreadfully wrong. The station has been overrun by aggressive aliens on a killing spree and you must survive using your wits and the resources you can find in order to discover what has happened in this sci-fi thriller.
Navigate the corridors of the station, keeping in mind at any point in time you could be attacked by a tentacled alien. Access computer terminals to find information and unlock disturbing secrets. Use resources and craft tools to help you survive. Don’t die!
Unique Features
• Explore the unique setting of Talos I, a lavish station reflecting corporate luxury and the height of private space enterprise. Explore a labyrinth of countless secrets.
• Develop unique powers and upgrade unique skills. Craft items, gadgets and tools using blueprints. Improvise to survive.
• Unravel the clues you have left behind for yourself to discover your past and your role in what has happened.
Shoot now. Ask questions later.
It looks like you might have something disturbing in your eye.
6. StarCraft 2
StarCraft 2 gameplay
Return to the game that perfected the real-time strategy genre. Play one of three species: Terran, Zerg, or Protoss and conquer the galaxy in single or multiplayer mayhem!
It’s a race to create an army. In multiplayer mode quickly build and collect resources to upgrade your base and military. Make split second decisions regarding what to build and what route to take. Scout the map to find your opponent and attack! In single player mode complete missions of increasing difficulty.
Unique Features
• Battle opponents of similar rank on a multitude of maps.
• Embark on co-op missions with a friend to complete intense missions and upgrade your commander with new units and abilities.
• Play through 3 cinematic story campaigns from the point of view of each race: Terran, Zerg and Protoss.
Construct a base to collect resources and build an army.
Square off against another player’s units.
5. The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified gameplay
Protect humanity in this gripping third-person tactical shooter against an alien threat whose mysterious attacks has a top secret government office called, The Bureau, investigating. As Agent Carter, you call the shots, shoot the aliens and lead a squad set during the Cold War, 1962.
Take charge of a specialized group of agents in order to wind your way through a series of missions and mysteries. Collect schematics and alien weaponry to help the entire squad and advance their abilities. Complete missions for experience while serving the US at the height of the Cold War.
Unique Features
• As Agent Carter, you possess a variety of special abilities: healing your squad, lifting them out of combat, and summoning combat drones.
• Command your squad (Commando, Engineer, Support and Recon) to utilize their specializations, then gain more experience to unlock more feats.
• Enter “Battle Focus Mode” to slow down game time and order units to tactical positions.
Agent Carter back home.
4. Aliens: Colonial Marines
Aliens: Colonial Marines gameplay
Another glorious day in the Corp! In this sequel to the classic Aliens film, air drop into hostile environments inspired by the series and lock and load.
Whether in single player or four player co-op, wield deadly weapons with your marine unit: pistols, grenades, flamethrowers, smartguns and shotguns. Use resources in the environment to survive: prevent access by welding torches and use motion detectors to track the scaly aliens. Collect ammo and armor from fallen comrades.
Unique Features
• Competitive multiplayer mode allows competition between two sets of up to five players each in different scenerios.
• Create an awesome killing machine with an extensive upgrade system. Earn experience to obtain perks and new weapons for your squad.
• Experience the thrill of James Cameron’s classic by wielding pulse rifles, motion trackers and flamethrowers.
Game over man!
A facehugger and an unwitting victim
3. Crysis 3
Crysis 3 gameplay
Defeat the Alpha Ceph, leader of the technologically advanced alien race called The Ceph in the year 2047 in this post-apocalyptic first-person shooter. You are on a mission of revenge with a powerful tool called the Nanosuit in the third of the Crysis trilogy.
Navigate the environment as Prophet, equipped with the Nanosuit. Use a wide array of gadgets and weapons like the compound bow and then select between explosive or electric arrows depending on the situation. Hack security codes, Ceph tech, sentry turrets and turn them against the Ceph.
Unique Features
• Play in single-player mode or play in 8 other different modes: Team Deathmatch, Deathmatch, Crash Site, Capture the Relay, Hunter, Assualt, Cell Vs. Rebel, Developers Choice, Max Team Deathmatch.
• Use the new ability called “Rip and Throw” and befuddle and confound hostile players by manipulating the environment to your advantage.
• Operate the high tech Nanosuit: invisibility cloak, silent takedowns, armor mode.
Prophet and his Nanosuit
Defeat enemies using a wide array of weapons including the compound bow.
2. Evolve Stage 2
Evolve Stage 2 gameplay
Test your metal in 4v1 combat in this next-generation free multiplayer shooter. Play one of the four hunters or play one of the monsters!
As the monster, choose your special abilities, your monster type, then wander the environment, consuming the wildlife until you evolve into more and more powerful iterations. As a hunter, choose from 20 different characters and 4 classes.
Unique Features
• Choose to be the monster and you become the boss battle! Use your savage abilities to wreak havoc and kill the human hunters.
• Choose a hunter that fits your playing style: Trapper, Support, Assault or Medic.
• Grab 1-4 friends and play a game in 4v1 play. It’s free!
Play one of four hunters.
Customize and play a monster.
1. Destiny 2
Destiny 2 gameplay
As one of humanity’s last remaining Guardians, you must fight and reclaim the world from the maniacal invader, Ghaul, in this second of the popular series.
Choose one of three classes—Warlock, Hunter and Titan—then choose a humanoid race or a humanoid machine. Enter into a variety of PvE battles and gain experience to customize and improve your character.
Unique Features
• Play Destiny 2 in 3 different modes: campaign, cooperative combat, and competitive multiplayer.
• As a Guardian, wield a wide array of new weapons like thundering hand-cannons and deadly rocket launchers or submachine guns and long-range sniper rifles. Build an arsenal and bring it to combat.
• Can’t make a decision? Develop each of the three classes separately in game play.
Who said Guardians don’t have style?
One of a multitude of environments in Destiny 2.