How Often Do You See Such Amazing Graphics in Video Games?
Sometimes you just want to play a game that looks amazing. Classic games have their spot in the limelight, but there is a reason why we are willing to pump out so much money for the next gen consoles. This article looks at 10 of the most recent games with the best video game graphics ever.
10. Tomb Raider
Lara Croft shortly before crashing on the island.
The Tomb Raider franchise was rebooted in 2013 and featured a much grittier version of Lara Croft compared to her previous games. Also, unlike the previous Lara Croft models, this one was not based off of Angeline Jolie. The game involved Lara Croft getting stranded on an island after her ship sunk while searching for the lost kingdom of Yamatai. She soon realizes that the island is inhabited by some very inhospitable people and that the lost kingdom might be closer than she first thought.
The game received pretty negative reviews and did not have a lot of replayability. However, speaking from personal experience, I loved the game. It was fun and immersive, but most of all the game was absolutely stunning. Tomb Raider had some of the best video game graphics ever.
9. Child of Light
Beautiful artwork for Child of Light.
This game is very unlike the rest on this list. While this is a side scroller RPG that moves away from the focus of realistic graphics, a single word can describe this game: Beautiful. This game is not about being real or gritty; it is about going on an adventure in a magical and beautiful world. The game defines very clearly what it wants to be and it does it well.
The game follows Aurora, the Protagonist, through one of the best and most immersive stories in video game history. Aurora wakes up on an altar in a strange land. She doesn't know how she got there or where she is, but after freeing the Lady of the Forest she finds her purpose again.
8. Destiny
Destiny puts you as humanity's protector against the alien hordes.
Many argued that Destiny was just Bungie’s knock off version of the Borderlands series. However, since the game has been out for a while now I think it is clear to say that it was a false accusation. The story follows the survivors of mankinds collapse as they try to repopulate the earth and defend themselves from hostile aliens. The expansive world to explore was very visually pleasing and the story was intruiging even though it was heavily criticized.
The game is a first person shooter mmo that take space in a mythical sci-fi world. Whether or not you like the game or found the gameplay immersive, one thing is for certain, and that is that Destiny’s world was gorgeous. Destiny comes in at number 8 on the list.
7. The Last of Us: Remastered
The most amazing game of all time!
The Last of Us was created by Naughty Dog and is considered by many as one of the greatest video games of all time. The reason being was that the story was simply astounding. The game follows a man and a young teenage girl on their journey through a zombie infested land. They are looking for a cure, but also trying to find peace with themselves and their dark pasts.
Grittyness does not even begin to describe the feeling of this game. The showcasing of the darkness of humanity as well as the struggles that the main characters are forced to go through reflect the internal struggles of the protagonist. The plot was definitely the strongest point of this game, but the remastered version also contains mind-blowing graphics. This game is by far one of the best looking, and definitely one of the best games of all time.
6. Infamous: Second Son
We're done vanalizing the city, it's time for the big missions.
Open world third person parkour is what defines this game. You control Delsin Rowe as you explore a vast and dynamic world. You start off as some regular street punk that likes to vandalize and grafitti stuff, untill you accidentally absorb smoke powers and become a conduit. Now you are forced to run and live in hiding as you are constantly hunted by the governments D.U.P force. The game contains a karma system which allows you to make either good or evil choices that influence the outcome of the story.
The graphics are fantastic and the game definitely belongs on this list. Reviews of the game were overwhelmingly positive and this has become a huge success for the Infamous series. The entire series is very well done and a must play if you like open world style exploration games. The graphics is definitely the cherry on top here.
5. Quantum Break
The best looking game of the future.
While this game is still in development, it is looking to be a huge success. It is a third person shooter that is going to be released for the Xbox One. The game follows three main characters as they try to get out of the mess a time traveling experiment gone wrong put them in. Not much more is known about this, but as you can see in the image above which is supposedly actual gameplay footage, this game is going to look great! The trailer makes this game look very promising.
4. The Order: 1886
Van Helsing anyone?
The reviews on this game were mixed but the beauty of the game world was never pulled into question. The Order: 1886 follows an alternate history in London where a semi modern order of knights fights a monster scourge that is threatening the city. If fighting werewolf style monsters weren't enough, the characters in the game also have to deal with an anti-government insurgency. Having a fracture within your ranks while fighting a war is never good.
The game is dark, gritty, with a bit of a Dark Souls feel attached to it. Replay value is lacking but the first play through will feel amazing. The Order: 1886 comes in as number 4 on the list of the best video game graphics ever.
3. Far Cry 4
Everything in Far Cry that moves is out to get you.
Far Cry 4 was one of the most defining moments for the video game industry of 2014. The game was a huge hit and has had massive commercial success. The protagonist is an unknowing victim of circumstance as he gets sucked into his home country's civil war. He is torn between the tyranical dictator on one side, and the vicious rebel forces on the other. It seems that all characters in this game have completely lost their minds, and the choices that the player make will define the future for the country.
The game is the very well deserved sequel to the Far Cry series and does not disappoint in anyway, except for maybe the overpowered critters. Far Cry 4 easily takes the number 3 spot on this list as it has a huge open world that is absolutely stunning.
2. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
And Nathan Drake is back. Shame on you! You're supposed to be retired.
You didn’t think Uncharted was finished did you? Although based on the title of this game, it might mean the end for our friend Nathan Drake. Supposedly he is a retired fortune hunter now, which doesn’t explain how he ended up on some desolate island stuck in another crazy treasure adventure.
At this time we still don't know that much about what has happened to Drake other than what we see in the trailer and brief gameplay demo. What we do know is that Naughty Dog claimed that this will be Drake's greatest adventure yet by far. The game is still in development but is looking to be a one of the best looking games of either this or next year.
1. Final Fantasy XV
Square's most anticipated game for almost a decade.
Final Fantasy XV, oh how we have waited for you. The story takes place in an urban fantasy setting similar to that of Final Fantasy VII. The game also stays true to the Final Fantasy tradition of revolving the main conflict around a massive crystal. A fierce war between two states over the Power Crystal is raging on and it is up to the protagonist and his party to put an end to it.
One of the best/worst things that could ever happen to the gaming industry would be the merging of Blizzard and Square Enix. They would release the absolute best games in the history of mankind… 20 years later. Both companies are known very well for their high quality games and very long development times.
Final Fantasy XV was announced in 2006 and has since changed both name and console. With the recent release of the demo we finally got a taste for what the game will be like, and was it good or what? The graphics are mind blowing. I remember watching the summoning of Rammuh in battle and almost falling out of my chair. On the list of the 10 best video game graphics ever, Final Fantasy XV easily wins the number one spot.
So which games do you think has the best graphics? Let us know in the comments below.