It’s time to enter the great unknown with nothing but a ship and your wits to keep you alive
Space based gaming has come a long way in the past few years. With explorable universes, and thrilling space dog-fights, the genre has never been stronger or more ambitious than it is right now. However, with so many titles coming out it can be hard to sift through to find the crème de la crème of space gaming.
That’s why you have us though.
So strap in, turn on the life support and prepare to jump to light speed as we go through our 17 top picks for the best space games of 2017 so far.
17. Everspace
Everspace Gameplay
Everspace is a new rogue-like space shooter from the developers of the popular Galaxy on Fire series. In it, you will take control of your own ship and begin an adventure across the universe. Each play-through will be different as is common with rogue-like games, but it does have a storyline which is less common for rogue-like games.
The game encourages players to take that extra risk, by implementing a system that allows you to use all the credits you gathered in one life to upgrade your ship at the point of death. You will then start your next life with that much better a ship.
As you explore this changing universe you will have to gather resources to improve and repair your ship, and develop strategies for dealing with the many enemies that will attack you throughout your journey.
The combination of a reasonably strong storyline with a rogue-like gameplay experience is enticing; ever the more so when you add in the breath-taking environments and graphics that further make Everspace something truly special.
In space no one can hear you KABOOM
Ahh, floating rock islands. It’s surprising how often these show up in sci-fi
16. Dreadnought
Dreadnought Gameplay
Release Date: December 2017
Dreadnought is an interesting twist on the team-based shooter, as well as an interesting twist on the space combat sim.
Instead of taking control of a fighter and dogfighting with other players, in Dreadnought you take control of a massive capital ship and take on other capital ships in a team based battle. The massive size of the ships and their various strengths and weaknesses places the emphasis on strategy and planning rather than the simple aim and shoot mechanics that are so common in space combat sims.
With approximately ten-minute long matches, and the ability to swap out ships before a respawn, Dreadnought is going to be something very unique in a progressively popular genre.
Years to build, seconds to blow up. At least these battles must be doing wonders for the economy
Good explosions are really important for this sort of game, and that my friends is a good explosion
15. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion Gameplay
Sins of a Solar Empire has managed to be wildly popular for many years now. Rebellion was the last expansion for the game, released back in 2012, and is still considered to be one of the better space strategy games.
Unlike many other games on this list, Sins of a Solar Empire does not focus on combat. Instead of taking a ship and going out to kick some ass, Sins of a Solar Empire spends a great deal of time both on it’s complex resource management and diplomacy systems, but also on it’s much wider view of space warfare.
Instead of focusing on a single ship, in Sins of a Solar Empire you control whole fleets as you battle for supremacy of your particular slice of the universe.
It’s a great game if you like a more strategy-based experience, especially if you’re a fan of games like Civilization and Age of Empires.
I like big battles and I cannot lie
Despite its age, the game’s ships still look quite good
14. Angels Fall First
Angels Fall First Gameplay
Do you like games like Battlefront and Battlefield? Then you will most likely love Angel’s Fall First.
In Angels Fall First, you get to take an interestingly different perspective on space warfare. You can engage the enemy team on land with traditional FPS action, as well as with vehicles like Tanks, but there is also space combat where you take control of fighters and battleships.
It does things that a lot of other games have done, but it does them well. It’s not original enough to make it farther on this list, but it’s undeniably fun.
It’s also not a terrible option if you’re like me and are just dying for Battlefront 2 to be released and need something to distract yourself with in the meantime.
Aiming ship cannons in first person really is something you don’t get to do often enough in games
Ship to ship combat not your thing? Well there’s a large amount of ground combat as well
13. Fractured Space
Fractured Space Gameplay
Fractured Space has a similar idea to Dreadnought. You pilot a massive capital ship, and with a team of four other players go toe-to-toe with the enemy team.
As you would expect there are different classes of ship ranging from heavy, to light, to support (basically healers). As with any team based game, you have to work together with your team’s various types of unit to make the strongest team possible.
It doesn’t break a lot of new ground, but what it does do it does well.
There’s basically no reason not to give this one a try though, as it is free on Steam.
Squad Goals
Don’t they realize that the possibility of successfully navigating an asteroid field is approximately 3,720 to 1?
12. Stellaris
Stellaris Gameplay
Stellaris is a depthy strategic exploration game from the developers that brought us Crusader Kings and Europa Universalis, and it certainly feels like exactly what it is. There’s a lot to do here, but unlike other titles from the publisher it is fairly easy to break into.
You begin the game with a single planet and a few ships and from there you begin to build up your empire through either trade or conquest.
As a fun means of shaking up this tried and true formula, in late game there are crisis events (a sentient AI uprising is my favourite) that can occur and thoroughly shake up the power systems even if one faction seems to have a definite victory.
The first DLC, Utopia was just released this April so there is definitely more to come for this title.
I appreciate how colourful the space battles can be in this game.
11. Into the Stars
Into the Stars Gameplay
Into the Stars throws something new into the mix for this list. It’s not about building an empire, and it’s not about getting into big fights with an enemy team. At its core, Into the Stars is a survival game.
You are the Captain of the Ark 13, a ship designed to take the remnants of humanity across the galaxy in search of a new home.
Why are there so few of us? Because of an alien menace known as the Skorn, who are hell-bent on our destruction. They’ve destroyed ever other Ark ship, now it’s up to you to save humanity. You will do this by travelling, making tough decisions and mining resources. Will you save humanity?
I wonder if you can request an Earl Grey from that chair?
In case anyone was wondering, this came isn’t only played in first person.
10. Starsector
Starsector Gameplay
Starsector is an interesting mixture of things. You directly control your ship, but you can issue commands to other ships in your fleet. It has a focus on combat, but its developers are adding more features every day and plan to add a lot more in terms of economic simulations, exploration, and roleplaying.
As the game is currently in development, it’s hard to say what it’s going to look like in a year or so, but right now it’s a very interesting mixture of ideas.
It’s worth mentioning that as it is currently in development, you can purchase it as a lower price that its final retail release will be. So go give it a try, and see if this one is worth waiting for or not.
Starsector’s isometric view is fairly uncommon in the genre
Ship customization really makes the experience feel more personal
9. Endless Space
Endless Space Gameplay
Endless Space is a turned-based 4X strategy game in which you take control of a civilization and fight for control of “Dust” a substance left behind by the ancient alien race that controlled the galaxy millennia ago.
You will compete with other civilizations to be the first to fulfill a victory condition (economic, diplomatic, etc.).
It’s all a pretty standard formula but Endless Space does it well in a very “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” sort of way.
It’s gotten very strong positive feedback for its interface and ease of play, so it’s definitely worth a look if it sounds like your kind of game.
Hate to say it, but those ships really look like giant guns. Doesn’t leave much room to think of them as non-threatening.
A big, impressive, but decidedly not “endless” map.
8. Endless Space 2
Endless Space 2 Gameplay
If you liked Endless Space then picking up its sequel is a no-brainer. With improved visuals, expanded gameplay mechanics and an overall more polished experience; what is there not to like?
The early access release of Endless Space 2 launched in October of last year, and it’s been getting periodic updates ever since. As of March of this year, a new race has been added along with an early version of the upcoming multiplayer mode.
There’s a lot to play with here, including a very diverse set of races you can play as (my favourite are the Horatio, which are an army of clones).
This one is going to be amazing when it’s totally finished, I’ve no doubt.
Begun, the Clone war has.
I know I mentioned this on a previous game, but I’m a sucker for customization options so here you go.
7. Star Trek Online
Star Trek Online Gameplay
Star Trek Online is one of those huge MMOs that you’ve probably heard of but might not have played. I can say as someone who never really was much of a big Star Trek fan, this game great.
For those of you that are into Star Trek, a little background. This game is set 30 years after the end of Star Trek: Nemesis, and the alliance between the Federation and the Klingon Empire has devolved into all-out war. The Borg have returned, the Romulans are trying to get by without a homeworld, and the Dominion is rebuilding. The universe is a powder keg and it’s about to go off.
There are few MMOs that manage to be as large in scale or as strong in narrative as Star Trek Online, and even fewer still that you can play for free. Not only that, but on consoles as well after its release to Xbox One and PS4.
So grab your console of choice, and hit the galaxy. Just be careful, because it will hit back.
Does red armor mean the same thing as red shirts?
Of course, being an MMO you get the added bonus of holiday related events and assorted silliness.
6. Battlefleet Gothic: Armada
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada Gameplay
Battlefleet Gothic: Armada is one of the rare examples of a really great Warhammer 40,000 game.
You will take control of one of six factions and take to space with your fleet, attempting to win control of the Gothic sector of space. The grim details of this universe are not lost in the brilliant ship design for each faction’s fleets.
Speaking of ships, you can customize every aspect of your ships from weaponry down to subsystems.
If you love the Warhammer 40,000 universe, than you will love this addition to the franchise.
I mean, what other franchise is going to give you a ship covered in skulls!? This thing is awesome!
Not that the rest of the ships aren’t also pretty cool, I do have some issues with the Ork ships producing smoke in space though …
5. Star Citizen
Star Citizen Gameplay
Release Date: December 2017
Star Citizen has been the most anticipated space sim for years now. For the longest time people thought it might not actually come out with all the delays that happened in its development, but it looks like it actually will be coming out this time.
In Star Citizen you will have a massive player driven sandbox to explore.
Think of it as a combination of Elite: Dangerous and No Man’s Sky. It has first person combat, a player driven economy, space combat and exploration. We don’t know all of what will be in the game just yet, but what little we have already seen is overwhelming in its scope.
It’s really a breathtaking game though … like look at that planetscape
Something that makes this one stand out, is that there will be planetside gameplay as well.
4. Eve Online
Eve Online Gameplay
Eve is one of the first and most persistent online space sims.
It’s got what is a pretty standard set up these days. You pick a race, make a character and go to find your way in the massive universe of the game.
Will you be trader? Will you be a mercenary? Maybe a pirate?
It’s up to you entirely. This game doesn’t have much of a plotline beyond what you make of it, so figure out what you would like to do and go do it. The sky is the limit (or … well not really because you’re in space but you know what I mean).
It does have a subscription fee, but it opens up a very wide experience for you.
A screenshot of the largest space battle in gaming history. 7,548 players fought it out and caused 11 trillion Interstellar Kredits in damage.
Eve lets you create a rather detailed avatar too, which I appreciate
3. Rebel Galaxy
Rebel Galaxy Gameplay
Do you love Firefly? It’s whole mash up of the western genre with sci-fi? Well then this right here is the game for you.
It combines space battles between enemy ships and your capital ship, and a blues/country soundtrack that really manages to work well to make the overall experience unique.
Combat revolves around the use of broadsides, making it feel a lot like you are piloting an 16th century galleon rather than a space ship.
We may never get a Firefly game, but Rebel Galaxy manages to carry over some of the spirit.
♫You can’t take the sky from me♫
It’s also worth mentioning that aesthetically speaking, there’s not a lot in the way of “sleek and shiny” ships in Rebel Galaxy
2. Star Wars: The Old Republic
Star Wars: The Old Republic Gameplay
Alright, I have to be careful with this one or I’ll talk and talk and this will be basically an article all of its own.
The Old Republic is in my opinion, quite possibly the best MMO ever released. From its fully voiced dialogue and ability to make decisions that impact missions, to its ability for you to play just about any character you might want (not forcing you to be a force user at all, nor a human).
It’s set in the Old Republic era, a few thousand years before the films. The Republic is under siege by the Sith Empire but a tentative peace has been reached with the galaxy divided between the two forces. Everyone knows that war will break out again, but no one knows when or how. This is the galaxy that you find yourself in, and these are the politics you are going to interact with.
You’ll choose a side, make a character and begin your adventure. Each class has its own exciting plot line that will take you all over the galaxy and keep you busy for many hours.
When all that is said and done, there are a bunch of story DLCs that have been released and you can get them all (and keep them) if you subscribe for any length of time.
So go pick this game up (it’s free to start) and see what you think.
Yeah, I definitely prefer the darkside. They have style, and cookies.
And for those of you who played KOTOR, Revan returns in a story DLC!
1. Elite Dangerous
Elite Dangerous Gameplay
Elite Dangerous does what a lot of other games on this list do, but it does them better.
You start the game with a ship and some money and are left to decide what you are going to do next. You can decide to be legitimate and be a trader, a miner, bounty-hunting, or you can turn to piracy and assassination for some less legal cash.
It’s played from a first person perspective, and has VR integration to further increase immersion. You can even decide if you want to play it multiplayer or singleplayer, both modes require an internet connection but it’s up to you if you want to deal with other players or not.
A good chunk of the solar systems in the game are based on real astronomical data, and the gaps are filled in with procedural generation.
There’s far too much to do in this game to easily cover it here, but it’s definitely worth a try. It’s the current undisputed king of the space combat sim, and whilst it seems likely Star Citizen will take that crown when it is finally out, for now it’s the best there is.
Try to imagine this in VR though …
Elite Dangerous does sense of scale better than most, big things really feel very big
There’s no shortage of space games out there, but finding really great ones is pretty tough. It’s an oversaturated genre. However there are some real gems out there, and we’re sure to see even more in the coming years.
Until them though, these games should keep you occupied for quite a while to come.
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